সোমবার, ৩রা জুন, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ ২০শে জ্যৈষ্ঠ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

BNP’s 10-point demand from Dhaka mass rally


Staff Reporter : BNP has announced a 10-point demand, including the quitting of the ruling government by dissolving the current parliament.

BNP Standing Committee Member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain announced the 10 demands at the party’s Dhaka divisional mass rally held at Golapbagh in the capital’s Sayedabad area on Saturday.

The party said it will stage movements in the coming days to press home the demands ahead of the next general election.

The demands are as follows-

Resignation of the ruling party by dissolving the current parliament
Formation of a neutral election-time government or interim caretaker government as per section 58-Kha, Ga and Gha added to the Constitution in 1996
Cancellation of the present Election Commission and formation of an acceptable, independent and neutral EC. Amendment of RPO, scrapping Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) system and arrangement of voting through paper ballot by the election commission to ensure ‘level playing field’ as the inevitable precondition of a fair election, and cancellation of party symbol in local government elections.
Repealing sentences of all opposition leaders, including Khaleda Zia, journalists and Islamic preachers. Withdrawal of all false cases and immediate release of political prisoners. Not to create obstacles to the meeting, rally and expression of views.
Repealing of fundamental and human rights violating all acts, including Digital Security Act-2018 and Special Security Act-1974
Cancellation of the anti-public decision of hiking prices in the public service sectors, including electricity, fuel, gas and water
Keeping prices of daily essentials in common people’s purchase capacity and freeing commodity markets from syndicates
Formation of a commission to identify corruption in all cases of state, including laundering money abroad, banking and financial, power-fuel sectors and share markets in the last 15 years
Rescuing all people who disappeared, and ensuring proper punishment for those involved in extra-judicial murders and state persecutions in the last 15 years. Taking punitive actions against those responsible for attacks on houses, vandalism on worshipping places and grabbing property the minority people
Keeping law enforcement agencies, administration and judiciary refrained from government interference and letting them work independently